Creative Musings of a Sassy Witch

Random thoughts that filter through the playground in my mind. Ideals, dreams, and lots of humor. My mind is a surreal place to be at times and quite entertaining.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Manifesting Your Dreams

So here I am, still a prisoner in my home waiting for my back to heal so I may again enter the big wide world. I am dying to go back to work. I do not like people doing my work. I am frustrated with what I do not know and what I have been told is going on with my workload. My boyfriend just says, "Deal with it! You can't change it and you can't do anything about it, so deal!" Yeah, easier said than done. I am a perfectionist when it comes to my work. Which is so out of character with who I am in my daily private life. I am very easy going, go with the flow, fun-loving and whatever happens...happens. Life is good.

So, what am I doing with all my new time on my hands? Reading. I have read a book a day. My friends brought paperback novels to me, romances (horrors!) and mysteries (not bad). I am thirsting for deeper knowledge! So, I ordered some books on my dream. My boyfriend offered to bring some books over too (yea!).

My dream is to own a raw foods restaurant. I truly believe being a raw foodist is the right thing for me. For my health, my weight loss and my family. Now with the back surgery, I know I will not be able to go back to the gym like I was before. I will have to be much more careful with my weight lifting. I will not be able to push it like I did before. I can no longer use the "no pain, no gain" mentality. If it hurts, I must stop! In fact, now if I think it will hurt, I need to stop. I cannot afford to mess up my back again.

So, now I have read my books about raw foods and raw foodists and how this kind of eating has changed their lives as well as their health. I have studied the charts on how much nutrients we are taking in with cooked foods and how much I will take in with raw foods. I have been talking about this restaurant for a year now. I do tarot readings on it and I get positive reads saying this is a good move. So, my question to myself is what is holding me back from manifesting this dream? It finally hit me. I am not living it in my home. How can I expect the universe to deliver the location, the building, the funds when I am not currently practicing what I preach.

I talked this over with my boyfriend (he's a smart man). He agreed. I can't open a restaurant and right off the bat make beautiful tasty foods. I will have to experiment with the foods, tasting, testing and having others give me feedback on what is good and what needs to be improved upon. He is even willing to be a guinea pig for me (I love him!). My daughter has no interest in it, but I am sure when she tries the food (without knowing it is raw), she will be won over. Oh, I am not so naive to believe a 15-year-old who has eaten junk food will all of a sudden not want to eat McDonalds, but I am hopeful that her intake of junk will lessen.

Raw food is 100% nutrients being taken in by the body. Live enzymes come from raw organic foods so that when we eat, our body will not use our existing enzymes to try and digest the foods we eat. Cooked food depletes our body of enzymes. Raw food delivers live enzymes to help us digest and break down the foods we eat. This saves our personal enzymes from having to leave their work area to help with digestion.

I've done my research in the past year. I know where my consumer base is located and I know where the majority of raw foods restaurants exist. I would not have any competition in my city. At this point, there isn't a raw foods restaurant in my city at all. There are places that are integrating raw with cooked in the state, but not close enough to be a threat.

I talk about my restaurant with people. I play with it in my it will look, what it will sell, how it will be set up. I know the more people who are thinking about it and believing in it, the Universe will deliver it. I know the general location I want it to be in. I know the Universe will pick out the right property and it will be available when I am ready for it and it will be the right price too.

I am confident that we all can manifest our dreams. We can create our own reality. I was inspired by a book, "Ask and It is Given" By Jerry and Esther Hicks. I always felt I could make my dreams come true. I just wasn't sure how to go about doing it. This book showed me how. This book inspired me to really search for what I wanted and make it happen.

I hope everyone makes their dreams come true. Let your dreams grow wings and take flight!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

4:24 PM, June 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

3:44 PM, July 03, 2006  

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