Creative Musings of a Sassy Witch

Random thoughts that filter through the playground in my mind. Ideals, dreams, and lots of humor. My mind is a surreal place to be at times and quite entertaining.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Yule

Friday night was our Yule ritual. I hosted at my home. Yule is actually on winter solctice, which was technically Thursday the longest day of the year. My group consisted of 6 people all paired off. My daughter and her girlfriend, our good friend and wiccan leader Nathian and his boyfriend and then me and my new boyfriend. I found it intereresting that we had a lesbian and a gay couple and of course the heterosexual couple.

We set up the alter on the coffee table and my boyfriend was very nervous. He wasn't sure what to expect yet he felt it was important that he attend the ritual in the hopes that it would bring us closer together. I tried reassuring him that being a part of my religion was not necessarily a criteria for dating me. Being accepting however was very important. He squeezed my hand the whole time we were calling the circle. When it was time to bring new people into the circle I stood behind him and whispered the phrase for him to say. He was shaking like a leaf but did a great job. He deserved a kiss definitely. He grabbed my hand again after passing the dagger.

The group was very informal and we each wrote a list of things we hope to manifest (see manifesting in a previous blog) in the coming year until next Yule. I like writing manifestations. I really feel handwriting something gives more power to the intention behind it and will help it to fullfillment. We ordered pizza and the guys did a beer run and I finished off the ceremonial wine. It was a great night. My boyfriend enjoyed it and he really needed for me to read his Yule note. He said he couldn't wait a whole year. I read it and well, I'll not say what it said but it touched me deeply and I carry it with me always.

Interesting on how I met this guy. I was at the local coffee house in my town listening to a band on a Friday night. He came in and I took one look at him and thought WOW! He sat acrossed the table from me, the only empty spot other than the chair directly beside me. I smiled and he smiled. I sipped my coffee and stole glances at him. He started talking to me as most strangers do and I said why don't you move closer so I don't feel I am shouting. He moved closer and we sat and talked until the place closed. Half the time we forgot the band was playing. Sometimes we sang along.

Through the course of the evening we found we live three blocks away from each other, have a love for music and best part of all he doesn't have children! He is five years younger than I am but looks a bit older. After that we became inseperatable. I made him dinner the next night and we watched It's a Wonderful Life. We talked until 11:15 when my daughter called and said she was off work. We didn't even realize it was that late. Where did the time go? We have been together every other night since and talk in the evening on the phone when we are not together. He made dinner for me one night and offered me and my daughter along with her two friends the use of his huge kitchen to make our holiday goodies. While we worked on cookies and candies he made us dinner. He is wonderful and I am shocked that I have found someone so easily after having broke up with the last one a few weeks ago. I am very cautious about moving forward, but he is funny and fun to be with. My daughter likes him and he'll meet my son next week.

So, I am now in a relationship again. I am rather surprised but very happy.

May everyone be happy this holiday season. I hope you have peace and joy no matter how you celebrate. More after the new year.