Creative Musings of a Sassy Witch

Random thoughts that filter through the playground in my mind. Ideals, dreams, and lots of humor. My mind is a surreal place to be at times and quite entertaining.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I didn't know I was a nerd!

I knew I was unusual, off the beaten path, an odd duck even. But in all reality I always thought I was one of the cool kids. I wasn't popular with the jocks, preps or cheerleaders (gawd forbid!) I was very popular with the theatrical, rotc, stoners, and misfits. I had lots of friends! I was always dating, always out with friends, and always on the phone.

Well, tests don't lie and look at the results. I am a nerd. I obviously read too much, study for pleasure too much. Most of my reading material is for learning not for pleasure. I even asked my 16 yr old if I could read her world religions textbook just for fun.

Well, my boyfriend took these tests and he is a dork. He always thought he was a nerd, but surprise! He's a dork (but a very yummy dork her is). I adore my dorky boyfriend. he was surprised to find I am a nerd (I hope it is not a deal breaker).


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