Creative Musings of a Sassy Witch

Random thoughts that filter through the playground in my mind. Ideals, dreams, and lots of humor. My mind is a surreal place to be at times and quite entertaining.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


I love showing public displays of affection. I love kissing and hugging in public. I feel that we are in our own little world. I don't pay attention to what people are doing around us. I feel we can do as we please as long as we are not vulgar about it. I love walking along and all of a sudden he shoves me up against a wall of a building and kisses me. I love feeling close and being like teenagers once in a while.

My daughter and her girlfriend will kiss in public and people will stare. People never pay attention when heterosexuals kiss in public but see two guys or two girls kiss and it is a serious crime. People gawk and stare. My daughter doesn't care she will kiss her girlfriend anyway and I say more power to her! Dani is more reserved and shy than my daughter but she is learning to be more open.

I was talking with my aunt and mom about the girls and my mom brought up my daughter wearing a shirt that said Gay Straight Alliance (GSA). My aunt said it doesn't matter what the girls are and she loves them anyway but they do not need to shove it in people's faces. My come back was that it is nothing for men and women to shove their love in people's faces. It is nothing to see them kissing, holding hands and hugging each other in public so why is it called "Shoving it " in people's faces if the gay couples are doing the same thing. She didn't have anything to say to that. The topic was dropped. I feel I need to stick up for my girls because who else will stick up for them if I don't. I feel we need to educate the older people because it is my hope that in ten years it will be acceptable for gay marriages everywhere. I hope that everyone who reads this will want to do something to make a change and help the world to be a better place for all people no matter what their sexual orientation.


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