Creative Musings of a Sassy Witch

Random thoughts that filter through the playground in my mind. Ideals, dreams, and lots of humor. My mind is a surreal place to be at times and quite entertaining.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

How did I get here?

I started out January just like any other new year. This however was to be my "lucky" year. Why? I don't know I was told this in a Christmas card from a very good friend. She said, "2006 will be your lucky year."

What do I find? I find a man who has a blog. I find I need a blog. After living so many years without one, suddenly it has become important to have one. I really haven't missed not having a blog, I thought life was fine without it. I also haven't miss having a cell phone either. Why do I need people being able to track me down wherever I am? Why can't I have my time all to me for a few minutes, an hour? This man has a cell phone as well as a blog, so there you have it, I am now a person with a blog and soon a cell phone. I am truly dragging myself into the 21st century kicking and screaming. I will not go down without a fight!

"Here is one good reason to have a blog" the man said. "You are a writer. Let people know about your books." Yes I am a writer. I have two books published. I guess I need to get the word out that I have these books and they are good books for women who what to feel empowered. I'm sorry guys, I am not being sexist here. I just write books based on my life experiences and unfortunately it is always from my view point as a woman. Guys have read my books. They seem to get something out of them.

What makes my life so facinating you ask? Well, nothing makes me better than the next person or special compared to other special women other than the fact I chose to put it down in print and most people do not. Writing about yourself lets the reader see into your soul. Not many people want starngers in their soul. I felt I had something to say to help other women in similar situations so I opened my soul up for those who want to learn something. I'm sorry I can't make up stories at all. I am not good with fiction. I must write what is real and truthful. I wish I could write fantasy, but alas I have not aquired that gift.

So, here are the names of my books. The Secrets in my Home and Too Many Clowns-Not Enough Circuses. Both are written under the pen name Terri Lynn. They are found at and Barnes & Noble .com. Too many clowns is so new they have not added a description of what the book is about, but ladies, I am sure you can guess. It is about meeting men off a phone date line. Very humorous I might add.

I have to sign off soon. But I will be back to share more.

link to The Secrets in my Home at
link to The Secrets in my Home at Barnes and Noble
link to Too Many Clowns-Not Enough Circuses at
link to Too Many Clowns-Not Enough Circuses at Barnes and Noble